Phylogenetic analysis and construction of phylogenetic tress with simple examples.
- Construct a phylogentic tree for 12 human globins (PDF) [12 Globins]
- Construct a phylogentic tree for the coding sequence of 13 human globins (PDF) [13 Human Globin CDS]
- Construct a phylogentic tree for the alpha hemoglobins from 7 representative vertabrates (Evolution 101) (PDF) [7HBA]
- Construct a phylogenetic tree for the coding sequence of alpha hemoglobins from 7 representative vertebrates (Evolution 101) (PDF) [7HBA CDS]
- Construct a phylogentic tree for 37 human, mouse and rat globin coding sequences (ABC Example) (PDF) [37 GLOBIN_CDS]
- Construct phylogentic trees selecting interested sequences from 208HBA based on the taxonomy table [208HBA.pdf]
- Construct a phylogentic tree for the DNA binding domain of 15 Arabidopsis SBP proteins [15 SBPD]
- Construct a phylogentic tree for the full length of 15 Arabidopsis SBP proteins [15 SBP]