Applied Bioinformatics Course [LEB25] [ABC25] [ABC24]

About this web site

This web site is an online portal for the teaching of the semester course of computer application to molecular biology since 2000. We now use Applied Bioinformatics Course, or ABC as a simple name for this course. Here, ABC means that it is an entry level introductory course, rather than an advanced one.


The aim of this course is mainly for graduate students of biology to learn how to use bioinformatics tools to solve his or her own problems. The students are mainly from: We also run training courses for graduate students and junior researchers. For example, with the help of colleagues from EMBnet (Dr Valverde, Spanish node and Dr Moulton, University of Manchester, UK), two three-day courses (30 hours each ) were organized for:

For course students

The course will be given mainly in Chinese, mixtured with English terms. Some of the lecture slides are in English. You should have a good background of English especially in scientific reading if you plan to study this course. Registration is needed for both PKU and CAAS students taking this as a semester course. Please see the Notice page for more details.

For web visitors

The web pages of this site are in English. However, the teaching materials, e.g., the lectures given by students are in Chinese. They are in PDF format and free for downloading. For non-native Chinese speakers, however, you should have a good command of Chinese.

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8 February 2025 J Luo, CBI, PKU, Beijing, China