PubMed query
Find papers with the following keywords and compare the query results:
- hemoglobin, human hemoglobin, human hemoglobin AND function, human hemoglobin AND function AND structure
- hemoglobin[TI], human hemoglobin[TIAB], human hemoglobin[TI] AND function[TIAB], human hemoglobin[TI] AND function[TIAB] AND structure[TIAB]
- hemoglobin[TI] OR haemoglobin[TI],
- disulfide[TI], disulphide[TI], disulfide[TI] OR disulphide[TI]
Find papers with the following author names and compare the query results:
- 'Sodmergen'
- 'Danchin', 'Danchin A'
- 'Li', 'Li Y', 'Li YX'
- 'Smith', Smith T', 'Smith TT'
Find papers with the following query and compare the query results:
- 'rice', 'rice [TI]', 'rice [AU]', 'rice [AU] AND rice'
- 'rice', 'Oryza sativa', 'rice OR Oryza sativa'
- 'Luo J', 'Luo JC', 'Luo J[AU] AND bioinformatics', 'Luo J[AU] AND Peking University[AD]'
- 'Luo J[AU] AND Peking University[AD] AND (bioinformatics OR database OR rice)'
- ("Nucleic acids research"[Journal] AND ("D1"[Issue] OR "Database Issue"[Issue])) AND China[Affiliation]
- (("Database : the journal of biological databases and curation"[Journal])) AND China[Affiliation]
Entrez query
- Find the GenBank entry of the post-floral-specific gene (PPF-1) with the following query and compare query results: 'Y12618', 'PPF-1', 'post-floral-specific gene'
- Find the GenPept entry of the post-floral-specific protein (PPF-1) with the following query and compare query results: 'Q9FY06', 'PPF-1', 'post-floral-specific protein'
- Find the three-dimensional structure of the bar-headed goose hemoglobin
- Register in MyNCBI and make the following query:'bioinformatics [TI]'
- Save the above query and set the email delivery options
- Configure the display options to show query results